Saturday, May 15, 2010

Eating as Political Action

Every time we place food in our mouth we are casting a vote for the social system we value. When we choose commercial food, produced on factory farms, we are in cahoots with the same companies that spill oil into our oceans, chemical poisons into our rivers, antibiotics and super-bugs into our blood. Buying processed food gives dollars to companies who deceive Americans, selling them garbage as food and disease on a plate.

There are four major food processors in the world: Cargill, ConAgra, Monsanto,and Tyson. More than food companies, they are chemical companies and they are part of the military-industrial complex. For example, Monsanto is the creator of AgentOrange, DDT and Roundup, as well as Rbgh (bovine growth hormone). They don't manufacture these chemicals to benefit our health; they do if for profit. We cannot overlook this connection between the production of food, pharmaceuticals, and chemical warfare. The chemical-laden "objects" they produce to sell as food are cancer-causing, which in turn creates a demand for the cancer treatment drugs that they are producing. Simply put, it is this cycle that keeps these companies rich, while the majority remains sick and poor... Sound familiar? It is time we end this extraction of profit at the cost of our health and freedom. It is unjust, inhumane and unsustainable.

When we shop at a Farmer's Market and/or choose organic and grass-fed whole food products, we support small businesses and farms that treat the earth and it's creatures with love. The products produced on these family farms are of high quality, loaded with vitamins and minerals that actually support life instead of diminish it. These farms act as stewards of the land, and treat it with the reverence it deserves. When we eat food produced with these ideals we are actually ingesting quality raw materials that will literally form the foundation of strong bones, connective tissue, and blood. Eating food produced in this manner not only contributes to a healthy mind, body and soul, but also nourishes the earth for future generations.

Being a responsible global citizen, requires informed consumption. The major food companies are intentionally deceiving the public. They are scamming people into believing that the processed foods they make out of denatured products is suitable to sustain life. Much like the cigarette companies lied about the addictive nature and chemical toxicity of their product, so too are they lying about their "food". It is time to stop supporting these companies, and stop eating their tortured and diseased factory farmed chickens, commercially raised beef and petroleum vegetables. Do you envision a just world, where children are not suffering with adult on-set diabetes and cardiovascular disease? Do you desire an economy that is not crippled by the cost of high health expenditures due to lifestyle diseases? Would you prefer a food chain that is driven by the quality of the nutrition and not by the quantity of profits? Let us begin by taking daily actions to support small businesses with those same ideals, and nourish ourselves by eating organic, grass-fed products from local family farms!

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